The best tapestry cleaning services in Toronto
Tapestries can be decorative or functional by serving as sound reduction or providing temperature insulation. In older times, tapestries were used to depict and commemorate historical events. In modern, times they are used to stylize a room or cut echo. Today come in all sorts of colours and can be custom made for a room. Silk tapestries are light weight which makes them ideal to hang on walls for extended periods of time. Tapestries can consist of a simple sheet of a fabric or woven silk rug pile.
Hanging tapestries
You want to hang your tapestry so it can rest on your wall without being damaged overtime. There are several methods to prevent the rug from warping. One way is to keep your tapestry away from direct sunlight. Ultraviolet light can cause silk fibers to fade overtime. Additionally, the fading will cause uneven discolouration that will need repair. Additionally, silk tapestries should not be placed under vents. This will dry out the fibers and cause more dust to accumulate overtime. It can cause the fibers to become brittle and more prone to breakage.
Cleaning a tapestry
Your silk tapestry should be cleaned annually with a professional rug cleaning company. Silk rugs need special care when they are cleaned. Tapestries can be passed down over generations and need careful attention to maintain them. Proper rug cleaning can prevent the accumulation of dust mites and other pests as well. Dirty silk can attract moths that will slowly destroy the natural material.
A short history about tapestries
Tapestries have been manufactured since ancient times. Their original purpose was to adorn plain stone walls to insulate, decorate and cut echo. They have been made in many countries originating in Egypt and spreading to England and other areas. They became popular during medieval times among nobility and religious groups. Tapestries can be hand-woven on a loom or stitched onto a large piece of fabric. Many ancient tapestries are available today in famous museums like the Louvre, the Carpet Museum and Textile museum in Toronto.